Today I will give you a few tips from my own experience about how to care for a touchscreen mobile phone model since I use this model phone with the use of more than 1 year and remains smooth and silky 90%. Because treatment hape this model is not the same as treatment with a phone keypad and the qwerty model due to the pressure sensitive screen allows for more leverage how to treat them. Then use the stylus that are less fit can cause phone display cepet beret-beret and burem.
More details, please refer to my tips as follows:
1) Give ScreenGuard. These tips are important when purchasing a new or second hand phone, directly sajabelikan screenguard because despite anticipated touchscreen tetep scratch resistant screen just in time they are beret-beret. lucky if just beret, if it not burem unsightly. So my advice these tips do first because the screen is in direct contact with a finger or stylus.
2) Give Safety Gloves. Once given screenguard, it's time to give protector for body hape. Most of the touchscreen phone can not arbitrarily change the casing as the old nokia types because the casing in direct contact with components such as mobile phone screen, keypad board, etc.. I've posted a problem I membokar casing 5230 and seems horrified. Since I can tutorial from either not practicing. Atut ... : D
3) Telungkupkan Hape. Well this is the most important in my opinion is when the phone is not used try and get used telungkupkan phone wherever and whenever (wew. ...) because the screen is sensitive to the pressure effect. Can not you imagine if phone is placed on the floor and then keinjek our feet. Not to mention that something fell from above either stones, food, drinks etc.. If ditelungkupkan we still can postpone death hape us if something happens: D
4) Speaker. Do not set the song because of its frequency with high volume is set as though it could tetep ngeprek aka voice over dose. If it is so we also do a regret.
5) Dikantongin. Be careful if we want mengantongin jeans type pants hape because it could create pressure on the phone and cause a slightly curved screen. Even should mengantongin try screen or surface facing into the instance so we bump into something like a table and right about our phone pocket, our mobile phone still safe because the hit was rear casing. So, once more we delay the death of our mobile phone: D
6) Pressing the screen. Try not to press the screen too hard. I recommend giving vibrate or tone to the touch screen, its usefulness is to know that we touch screen is what has not worked with a little soft touch: p Usually the phone screen has been a miscarriage of the rainbow or any part of the screen burem or another color that does not fit with the image ( TV bleak if hit magnet ...) it signifies something the screen never depressed.
7) Stylus. Reduce the use of this tool, although the stylus mengbuat we use the phone looks cool: D but do not dech, not as smooth as smooth-smooth stylus our hands ehe ..........
8) Magnet. Avoid direct contact with the electronic goods such as TV, Radio, Computers, etc. that contain magnets because it can affect the electron wave (bener yak times ..) on the screen.
9) USB to a computer. Do not be too open close the USB in my phone dech Ntar like the lid off because its frequency step on to the company. If loose Ntar perforated and looks charming and beautiful again: D yah forced the glue Alt * co (Sensor)
10) Important, Keep away from children under age. Can not think why not be yourself.
Up here before tips from me and have me practice (pastinya. ..) if there is new I'll try the update and if there are tips from readers and gentlemen, please allow me happy to add these tips and tricks as you think with comments below because my goal here is to share rather than patronizing.
last word, good luck:)