->based on C6 Firmware 20.0.041 ported by BINH24
+Thanks to binh24 for the ported firmware.
+Better battery performance
+Better stability and RAM Management
+Symbian^3 like dialer
+Updated Web Browser
+Updated OVI Store
+Updated OVI Maps
+Updated Java Virtual Machine
->new simple vortex splash screen added
->new apps in rom:
+notifications with widget
->new apps list in music menu(music player sleep timer)
->blinking bug in popup boxs fixed
->fast response music player
->new icon for autoinstaller
->Launch autoinstaller to auto and fast install FontRouterLT, TTPod player, JBenchMarkACE(with new icon), UninstallKing, Xplore
->Set Samsung startup and shutdown sound
->change shutdown message from 'Goodbye!' to 'Shutdown!'
->N8 kinetic scrolling
->N8 font as default font
->N8 looks swype to unlock
->NEW clean Vortex themes effect modded by ME
->OVI MAPS v3.06
->double email in create message option now fixed
->Modded theme:
+S60 Dark (DARK by IND190)default
+S60 Blue(BoB by IND190)
+S60 Black(Nokia Theme Black)
+S60 White(Nokia Theme White)
->redefined CPU, heap size, and cache size value
->Removed OVI Sync as OVI Contacts has been disabled
->Disabled Messaging, Clock, Calendar, and Log from not closing when exit.This will increase available RAM on prolonged usage
->When entering Device Updates from your Phone, it still shows "Check for Updates".This has been removed to prevent users from accidentally trying to update which causes a bricked device
Download: click here
(If you want to download CORE and UDA file download it using link below)